Thursday, February 5, 2009

Principle of Faith award for Rep Virginia Foxx

North Carolina, we have a problem.

 If it weren't bad enough to see North Carolinian's hard-earned taxpayer monies diverted off to Detroit, or Omaha, or into political financiers pockets in every state but our own; we have also had to endure the agony of watching our own elected, Republican representatives supporting such nonsense.

We are fortunate that in the latest round of trillion dollar bailout plans, at least the Republicans have managed to unite in opposition to this thievery scheme. I still wonder, however, was that opposition out of principle, or mere partisanship?

 Representative Virginia Foxx is our best and brightest light in North Carolina in terms of opposing these unethical and reprehensible billionaire bailouts, she opposed them when such opposition was unpopular amongst the GOP, and she still opposes this starve-the-poor to feed-the-rich socialism today.

 Bravo Rep Foxx!  I would cite you for an award if I could.

 But Senator Burr has only opposed these bailouts when it was politically expedient and necessary for him to do so; and when the bailouts he supported went horribly wrong, he sought only to justify why his failed decision was the right one to make.

We have a lot of work to do folks. If we want to reverse North Carolina's plunge into the blue, and indeed to fan the flames into someting like Republican domination, then we must hold our elected Republican office-holders accountable to the very conservative principles which they claim to hold dear.

 If we fail to do so, I can assure you, that we will see nothing but blue blue blue long into the future of this state. But if we DO manage to hold our Republican representatives accountable, and we DO manage to force them to stand on principle, then we have genuine hope of for once painting the state red from every precinct, county, and district.

Senator Burr unseated himself when he voted yea on the Bush Bailout.  He will lose the 'Blue-Dog Democrats' in that one fell swoop of pen.  Democrats that any conservative absolutely needs to stay elected in North Carolina.

We need to tell those same Blue-Dog Democrats that we can police our own:

We ought run a Constitutionalist Republican against Burr in 2010

I personally would like to see BJ Lawson for Senate in 2010.  It shows the Dems our commitment to real reform, and by 2010 they will probably be very very worried for answers on the economy, and we happen to have the answer:

End the Fed, Stop the Billionaire Welfare, and return to Constitutional Principles.

I believe Bill Lawson will make President Obama obey the law.  The US Constitution.   Bill Lawson will lobby, vote, and introduce legislation for the reform governmen, and will help a building coalition Republican statesmen to engineer a "Constitutional Reboot"of the Federal Government; and both houses of Congress.

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