Monday, July 20, 2009

tired rant

I am tired of Republicans thinking that socialism is OK as long as a Republican gets to do it.

I am tired of elected officials of every stripe, failing to honor the Constitution or to obey the law.

We, The People have a duty to uphold the Constitution, to which duty some of us have sworn an oath. If you, the elected official, will not abide by the Constitution then We will replace you, again and again if necessary until we find someone who will honor the Constitution.

I am tired of the American wealth and banker's oligarchy sucking every last copper cent of value out from the hands of the poor and the middle class, just to absorb it into the wealth cartel.

I am tired of the Federal Reserve Bank, a privately held cartel of international monied interests, managing in secret America's money supply and monetary policies.

I am tired of watching the most horrific events in American history transpire right before my eyes,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An open letter to Ron Paul supporters:

First and foremost, let me state that I am one of you. I heard of Ron Paul for the first time in my life in May-June of 2007, and by October of 2007 I dropped my entire life to go out canvassing as a pure volunteer in three states. I have hated and despised politics my entire life, and today on account of Dr Paul having cured my apathy, I am running for high GOP office, with a long range plan taking me to the NC State assembly, and US Congress by around 2020.

I witnessed first-hand the media smear and blackout campaign against Ron Paul. I cannot begin to describe the outright rage and anger I felt over that, nor am I likely to trust ANYBODY in the media for the next decade.

However, I am not writing to tell you how awesome all of you are.

Time and again, I am watching the media and I am seeing our ideas gaining ground in the marketplace of ideas. Glenn Beck is pushing the Second Amendment as a hedge against government tyranny, and bringing guests on his show who recommend arming ourselves against the coming conflagration. Rush Limbaugh went to CPAC with a decent speech about individual liberty. "End The Fed" is becoming forefront on the Republican agenda like it hasn't in nearly 100 years.

No, I haven't forgotten how Glenn Beck called us terrorists. No, I haven't forgotten that Rush Limbaugh endorsed Mitt "Universal Healthcare" Romney. No, I haven't forgotten that those same Republicans now throwing tea parties and chanting "End The Fed!" are the same Republicans who tried to muscle us out of the process in 2008. I haven't forgotten ANY of these things.

But how stupid do we have to be to reject REAL PROGRESS on our agenda?

Time and time again, we Ron Paulers who are working our tails off and our fingers to the bone to make a real difference in America today, get derision from the allegedly 'intellectually pure Paulers' who hate us because we are happy that our ideas are finally gaining ground in the marketplace of ideas.

Are the media and the Republicans suddenly coming around because the GOP was humiliated in 2008? Probably, but why is that a bad thing? Are they merely being opportunistic? Probably, but opportunistic or not, OUR MESSAGE IS BEING HEARD!

Sure, you can say "too little, too late" and I'll agree with you. Wholeheartedly and without reservation. But our efforts to restore the Republic did not end with the 2008 campaign! We ALL wanted the effort to continue into 2009, 2012, and 2016; and now that we are actually reaping victories and successes throughout America, there remains so many of us who want to REJECT those victories because they don't like those people who are (slowly!) coming around to our side.

We didn't get to this place all at once, we got here by incrementalism. We won't restore the Republic all at once either, we will get there the same way we got here - by incrementalism. Sorry, it's just the nature of the beast.

So get off your rear ends, stop complaining that we may be succeeding but you don't personally like the people who are spreading our message to millions of Americans, and GET ACTIVE in pushing our movement and our agenda forward!

If you didn't want us to succeed, then why did you support Ron Paul in the first place?

No, this does not mean that I trust the media. I am not likely to trust ANYBODY in the media any time soon. But for goodness sakes, hearing OUR MESSAGE being delivered be the mainstream media, seeing scores of bloggers and Republicans who taunted us throughout 2007 and 2008 suddenly reversing course, in tears, saying they should have listened to Ron Paul in the first place, this is the sound of encroaching VICTORY people!

No wonder our political views have historically failed to gain ground and acceptance. Whenever someone in a position to help us starts to turn our way; you reject them even more heavily than you did when they opposed us!

Get a grip! Help us continue the fight, or get out of the way. Sitting on the sidelines criticizing every victory is the surest path to defeat.

If you are one of those Ron Paul supporters who do nothing but criticize our every inch of ground gained, (you know who you are!) then do Ron Paul and our nation a favor, and go away. If, on the other hand, you want to help us achieve our victories inch by bloody inch, then we need your help now more than ever before.

Thank you, sincerely.

Glen Bradley

A Rational discussion of the War On Drugs and Republican Policy

I know that anecdotes rarely if ever prove anything, but allow me to share a personal anecdote from my life which demonstrates a major failure of the War on Drugs.

Last year, about a week and a half before the NC State GOP Convention, I was helping a friend move into a third story apartment. I helped carry a dryer up to his apartment.

The next morning, I woke up with an intense pain in my lower back. The next day it got worse. I could feel my muscle groups locking in spasm, and after a quick diagnosis and a significant amount of research, I determined that I had slipped a disc.

By the third day, I could not move across a room without help, or a lot of things to hold on to.

For some background: I am a self employed network and Point Of Sale field service engineer. I was making great progress with my company until I dropped my life in 2007 to volunteer for Ron Paul. Money became very scarce, and I had no health insurance of any kind. I am not complaining - it was my own choice to go traipsing off to three states on a whim and a prayer.

After arriving at my diagnosis, I researched treatments. Intuitively, I thought I'd need a muscle relaxant to end the muscle spasm, and a pain killer to function until it could loosen and I could stretch out my muscles and my spine and heal up. My research on the internet confirmed this.

But I could not go to the drug store to buy 2 weeks of vicodin and a muscle relaxant.

After a week of being crippled with a slipped disk, I had to borrow money from my family to pay a doctor to tell me what I already knew: I had slipped (a light rupture) the L5-S1 disk, and the only difference between his scrip and mine, was that he added a steroid to promote healing.

So I buy the scrip myself, of my own money minus the Prednesone (I didn't want it) and three days layer I am on the podium at the NC State Convention running for RNC National Committeeman.

Were it not for the government regulation of drugs, I could have began proper treatment within 72 hours of the injury. Why must I be penalized for being intelligent and doing my research, into paying $250 dollars begging a signature for what I already knew?

I do know that my situation is not unique; although I was certainly over-affected on account of my financial situation, going a week between a ruptured disk and treatment, only 3 days before the state convention where I had an active role.

So what has the modern policy of drug regulation and prohibition done for me? If America were truly free, then I would have been free to treat myself. I say the failed and counter-productive War On Drugs must end. What say you?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Constitution Reboot 2020 - I Am an American Originalist

Constitution Reboot 2020 - I Am an American Originalist

We will not, as a nation, see clearly until we have removed the legal detritus that has bloated our double-century bureaucracy from the halls of state. Our nation has ceased to function, and the clot is in the heart. If we do nothing, the patient will die.

Fortunately, in the American Constitutional Republic, we can elect Constitutionalist Republicans to remove the clot through reform, revive the patient, and restore greatness to the American Republic.

I am an American Originalist. That means that while I believe completely in the America of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; I am completely opposed to the modern America ruled under the iron thumb of the Franklins, Clevelands, Chases, and Wilsons:

The Federal Reserve rules the dollar-denominated America, as a kind of public/private oligarchy of fiscal and political interests. Today, the people have lost their sovereignty to the dollar, and now those with all the dollars, have all the sovereignty in America. This insidious agency of the "federal-istic" private cartel bank has created a new royal monarchy in America, denominated in dead Presidents, a hero of liberty, and a Chase. We need to put an end to the Federal Reserve Bank, and restore monetary policy to the full discretion of Congress, as is Constitutionally mandated.

America has forgotten the originalist concept of the sovereign citizenship. Expressed richly in the Declaration and folded deeply into the Constitution is a principle of American liberty that can best be described as the "Sovereign Citizen" where every American is a sovereign in his or her own right, with certain inalienable rights inherent in being a person.

A return to the expressed code of the US and State Constitutions as a textural originalist would restore most, if not all of the American and North Carolinian citizen's sovereignty.

The key to restoring the Republic, would be to return to the originalist Republican principles of Thomas Jefferson, with a Democratic mandate for reform.

If we can bring all this together, then we can do a full Constitutional Reboot in 2020, and together restore the greatness of the American Republic.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Some new force come to take over the NCGOP

I am a member of Ron Paul's Campaign For Liberty, and we have an agenda for this year. That agenda is to fill up the ranks of the GOP Party Leadership with Constitutional Strict Constructionists, and to use that position to nominate candidates for office in 2010 and in 2012, who will honor and respect the US Constitution, and who will use their public office to work towards the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Recently, I was asked if my plan for 2009 included the keeping of any of the existing party membership, ie - do I plan on working with the GOP, or simply overturning the lot of them.

I hadn't actually given a lot of thought to that question, because I don't really see that sharp of a demarcation between this old and that new GOP. Instead, I see a small invader-group that has held the GOP party leadership hostage for some time now, using our own party structure to stack their leaders into the deck - these are the neo-conservatives, or the 'Reagan Democrats' (I call them that because they represent the radical left-ward shift that the GOP underwent post-1980 towards Trotskyite political philosophies).

Much of the existing party leadership is not owned by these Reagan Democrats or by their neoconservative philosophies, but the fundamental conservatives that do make up the more conservative, and Constitutionalist arm of the GOP are mostly unable to function properly as Republicans, so long as these newer 'Republican-Democrats' control enough of the party to filibuster the rest of us.

We Constitutional Conservatives are as old as Thomas Jefferson, and were best identified by Senator Robert Taft. Not the President, but the Senator from Ohio who served from 1939 to 1953. He also led the Senate Majority in 1953.

Senator Taft was called "Mr. Republican" as the American most-identified with the principles and the party of the GOP, and now a more recent example would be found in Senators Barry Goldwater of Arizona, and Ron Paul, the gentleman from Texas, a Taft Republican.

There are still a whole lot of Republicans around who fondly remember Senators Helms, Goldwater, and Taft; and who will work to develop their governmental principles. But many of the career politicians within the party, I call them "Reagan Democrats" are standing in the way, and they must go.

We in the grassroots can easily, with a few number of us, stand up to these few Democrats in Republican clothing, using the party as a device to power; and we can assert our will in the party to nominate genuine Constitutionalists, conservatives, and Republicans to run for public office.

And when we do stand up as a people and take the Republic back, understand also, that a strict constructionist government (Taft-Goldwater Republicans) will appoint far better strict-constructionist Supreme Court justices than either the "right-ward socialist" or the "left-ward socialist" parties ever will. Ask your local philo-politic-osipher what a strict-constructionist Supreme Court Justice would mean.

But if it will be done, then we will have to be the ones to do it. We need to help build up the manpower of the existing and embattled Taft-Goldwater arm of the GOP, return a respect for the US Constitution amongst the halls of Washington DC, and then restore the Republic created by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The so-called "Ron Paul Republicans" aren't some new force come to take over, they are in fact the resurgence of a conservative ideal as old as the party itself.

So the question of whether I planned on working with the party or simply overturning the lot of them felt like a false dilemma: so when they say,

"Will you work with the GOP or just overturn the lot of them?"

it sounds a lot like: "Have you stopped beating your wife, yes or no?" No, the question assumes that political conservatism is coming to the GOP from outside. I, however, am assuming that the majority of political conservatism will be found from within the GOP.

We are not some new force come to take over. Just a set of fresh replacements for the embattled but faithful Taft-Goldwater brigade of the Republican Party. Please help us restore the Constitutional Republic.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Federal regulation is pro-monopoly

Here is a good example of how most Federal regulation of the marketplace is actually written and designed, and lobbied for by the bigger businesses, in an effort to remove their smaller competitors from the market.

This bill was HEAVILY lobbied for by Mattel, and the only Representative in Congress to vote against it was ... you guessed it ... Ron Paul.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | Last Update 3:37 EST

Washington toy story shows why regulation helps the big guys
By Timothy P. Carney
Examiner Columnist | 1/30/09 5:10 PM

Thousands of self-employed businessmen, artists, and boutique owners who make or deal in hand-crafted children’s toys, clothes, or furniture could be out of work next month. A 2008 federal law, with the salutary-sounding name “Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act,” could drive these craftsmen out of business.

Big toymakers, who helped write the bill, are ready for the regulations that will go into effect Feb. 10, while smaller toymakers look likely to suffer. It’s another example of how Washington, when it regulates an industry, often helps the biggest businesses in that industry while crushing the smaller guys.

Full Story

Resisting McCain-ism is a key to GOP growth in NC?

Folks, it really is time for a change. Obama won his election because everybody knows it; and because we weren't able to convince them in time that most of the change he offered was false.

The change I am talking about is in fundamentally changing the GOP to at the same time create a close access to power for all the members; while developing a lasting reputation for nominating principled Conservatives.

You probably know that Democrats outnumber Republicans in NC by a very wide margin. You may also know that this situation comes originally from a series of riots in Wilmington in the 1860's.

It is not hard to deduce that in order for a Republican to get and stay elected in NC, they have to win the votes of Democrats. Nor is it hard to figure which Democratic votes they need to win: The Blue Dog Democrats of the south, of conservative and anti-federalist principle who never forgave the Republican party for the Civil war.

To get and keep those votes, we have to create and build a genuine reputation for nominating the kind of conservatives, that these Blue Dog Democrats like to vote for.

I give you for consideration Senator Jesse Helms. Agree or disagree, he was one of the most principled Senators in memory. Certain quirks in personality or voting records set aside, Senator Helms held a platform nearly identical to Senator Robert Taft, Senator Barry Goldwater, and Congressman Ron Paul. While I find Senator Helms's former focus on race to be abhorrent, he is an example of a successful Republican in NC; and I believe it is not because he was a racist, but because the Blue Dog Democrats knew that they could trust him to put principle ahead of politics when it came to smaller government and less government interference in people's lives; states rights over Federal; and conservative on spending.

If we seek out and find the kinds of strict constructionists heavy on principle Republicans, re-build a reputation for principled candidates and office-holders, and continue to elect Constitutionalists into office over the next 10 years, then I believe we can grow GOP membership in NC tremendously from the grassroots of Americans, who still believe in the Republic that they learned about in school.

I believe the key to Republican growth in North Carolina, is in our legislative posture on the Constitutional Republic. We should have been the first ones to resist McCain, in order to demonstrate for our Blue Dog Democrats, that we are able to police our own.

Our primary goal in the GOP over the next 4 years must be to find and recruit principled Constitutionalists to run for public offices; and our secondary goal must be to use new media to connect these candidates and office-holders directly with the Republican grassroots.

This two-pronged approach, drawing people into the party through greater political access in the grassroots; while shoring up a hard reputation for nominating Constitutionalist Conservatives in principle, should over time restore the Blue Dog trust in the NCGOP, and win back a regular faction of voters while at the same time growing our own voter base, especially amongst the Internet generation; who will love the thought of affecting the debate on local legislation, from their iPhone's on a business trip.
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