Friday, February 13, 2009

Some new force come to take over the NCGOP

I am a member of Ron Paul's Campaign For Liberty, and we have an agenda for this year. That agenda is to fill up the ranks of the GOP Party Leadership with Constitutional Strict Constructionists, and to use that position to nominate candidates for office in 2010 and in 2012, who will honor and respect the US Constitution, and who will use their public office to work towards the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

Recently, I was asked if my plan for 2009 included the keeping of any of the existing party membership, ie - do I plan on working with the GOP, or simply overturning the lot of them.

I hadn't actually given a lot of thought to that question, because I don't really see that sharp of a demarcation between this old and that new GOP. Instead, I see a small invader-group that has held the GOP party leadership hostage for some time now, using our own party structure to stack their leaders into the deck - these are the neo-conservatives, or the 'Reagan Democrats' (I call them that because they represent the radical left-ward shift that the GOP underwent post-1980 towards Trotskyite political philosophies).

Much of the existing party leadership is not owned by these Reagan Democrats or by their neoconservative philosophies, but the fundamental conservatives that do make up the more conservative, and Constitutionalist arm of the GOP are mostly unable to function properly as Republicans, so long as these newer 'Republican-Democrats' control enough of the party to filibuster the rest of us.

We Constitutional Conservatives are as old as Thomas Jefferson, and were best identified by Senator Robert Taft. Not the President, but the Senator from Ohio who served from 1939 to 1953. He also led the Senate Majority in 1953.

Senator Taft was called "Mr. Republican" as the American most-identified with the principles and the party of the GOP, and now a more recent example would be found in Senators Barry Goldwater of Arizona, and Ron Paul, the gentleman from Texas, a Taft Republican.

There are still a whole lot of Republicans around who fondly remember Senators Helms, Goldwater, and Taft; and who will work to develop their governmental principles. But many of the career politicians within the party, I call them "Reagan Democrats" are standing in the way, and they must go.

We in the grassroots can easily, with a few number of us, stand up to these few Democrats in Republican clothing, using the party as a device to power; and we can assert our will in the party to nominate genuine Constitutionalists, conservatives, and Republicans to run for public office.

And when we do stand up as a people and take the Republic back, understand also, that a strict constructionist government (Taft-Goldwater Republicans) will appoint far better strict-constructionist Supreme Court justices than either the "right-ward socialist" or the "left-ward socialist" parties ever will. Ask your local philo-politic-osipher what a strict-constructionist Supreme Court Justice would mean.

But if it will be done, then we will have to be the ones to do it. We need to help build up the manpower of the existing and embattled Taft-Goldwater arm of the GOP, return a respect for the US Constitution amongst the halls of Washington DC, and then restore the Republic created by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The so-called "Ron Paul Republicans" aren't some new force come to take over, they are in fact the resurgence of a conservative ideal as old as the party itself.

So the question of whether I planned on working with the party or simply overturning the lot of them felt like a false dilemma: so when they say,

"Will you work with the GOP or just overturn the lot of them?"

it sounds a lot like: "Have you stopped beating your wife, yes or no?" No, the question assumes that political conservatism is coming to the GOP from outside. I, however, am assuming that the majority of political conservatism will be found from within the GOP.

We are not some new force come to take over. Just a set of fresh replacements for the embattled but faithful Taft-Goldwater brigade of the Republican Party. Please help us restore the Constitutional Republic.

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